Agricultural Machines

Tough, robust equipment for professional work

Producer of machines and equipment for fruit growing and viticulture, seller of harvesters and contact for services and repairs - that is Psenner K.G. in the Tramin industrial quarter.

Mowers, forklifts, tipper-turning devices (derailleur), root cutters, scoops

All these devices are designed and built at our corporate site in Tramin/Termeno. Psenner agricultural machinery custom-made to your specific needs makes your work easier and more efficient on a permanent basis. We offer you a friendly after-sales service and are happy to assist in servicing and repairs.



For some 25 years now we have obtained self propelled harvester from Billo GmbH. This fi rm specialises in the construction of harvest wagons and has built various models exclusively for our customers.


Quality and proximity to our customers

You need us to be close at hand not just when harvesting, but also when you need your harvesting machinery repaired. Our qualified personnel monitor each machine from the technical drawing to the first use. Therefore we can discover the fault without delay and rapidly restore your mower, harvest wagon or disc plough to working order again.
